Veering towards golden sands and elephants

It’s unusual to go on holiday to a warm coast line in the autumn half term, however, that is exactly what we can do here in Kenya. Our destination was a resort called Che Shale near Malindi an hour or so north of Mombassa. We decided to drive down which is no mean feet as it takes a whole day. On the way there we stopped over in a quirky trucker ‘town’ (collection of buildings) that was agreed upon with slight trepidation on my part. On the way back we were also lucky enough to see elephants on the road. Very exciting. Number 3 of the big 5.


The Mombassa road is the main road into East Africa. The port provides trade for all of the countries in the region and therefore the roads are teaming with freight lorries. What is even more unbelievable is that it is only single carriage way. This leads to many harem scarem moments with corners and the brows of hills or pretty much anywhere come to think of it becoming an overtaking opportunity. No if you feel co concerned that the 10 tonne lorry coming straight at you might not make it back in to its lane then no worries here are the steps to solve the mega issue. 1. Flash your lights. 2. Hazards. 3. Windscreen wipers (all of these together means serious business) then the optional 4. Veer sharply. I lived every minute of the journey.


We visited a fancy hotel in Mombassa which served the best fruit smoothies imaginable and then headed to our resort. Down a sand track surrounded by Palm trees with built in steps to reach coconut bandas, golden sands and brilliant food.




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